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We offer high-performance commercial heat pumps and refrigeration products using natural refrigerants, such as CO2 and propane, designed for energy efficiency and sustainability. This includes high-temperature and medium-temperature heat pumps, as well as refrigeration systems suitable for various sectors, from offices, housing and industrial facilities to retail, supermarkets and agriculture.

Commercial Heat Pumps

We provide heat pumps for a wide variety of commercial uses, leading the industry in sustainability and innovation. Our commercial heat pumps are backed by years of experience developing environmentally-friendly solutions for large-scale properties.

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Our refrigeration products lead the industry in sustainability for businesses operating industrial or large commercial refrigeration equipment from temperature controlled storage to food and drink processing, and agriculture.

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Our energy efficient chillers are designed around natural refrigerants like CO2 and R290 propane for sustainable cooling across commercial and industrial sectors. We also design our chillers to be robust and reliable while helping your organisation to reduce its carbon footprint.

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Control systems are essential for optimising the performance, efficiency and sustainability of our commercial heat pumps and refrigeration systems, as well as minimising your running costs and emissions. We offer a range of control options to help you achieve optimum performance for your heating and cooling systems.