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Clade Engineering Systems Ltd (CLADE) is committed to providing the very best customer service in the refrigeration business. With over 38 years of experience, CLADE has evolved to be a proud supplier of some of the largest high street names in the UK.

CLADE seek to employ and maintain a workforce which reflects the diverse community at large, because we value the individual contribution of people. We treat our employees with dignity and respect and will provide a working environment free from unlawful discrimination, victimisation or harassment on the grounds of but not limited to sex (including gender reassignment), age, marital status, pregnancy, disability, sexuality, race, colour, religion, ethnicity.

We will not tolerate acts, which breach this policy and all instances of such behaviour, or alleged behaviour, will be taken seriously, be fully investigated and may be subject to our disciplinary procedures.

Harassment and bullying are not acceptable and will not be tolerated in the Company.

Equality shall be transparent towards salaries and benefits in job roles regardless of gender.

The elimination of unfair discrimination and prejudice is intended to provide individuals with scope to develop their full potential and to enable the CLADE to maximise the use of talent within our organisation.

We will install facilities for people with disabilities in existing premises, whenever practicable to do so. Whenever we invest in new or refurbished premises, every effort will be made to provide for the needs of staff and our customers with disabilities. We will make every effort if an employee becomes disabled to retain them within the workforce, wherever it is reasonably practicable to do so.

The Equality and Diversity Policy will be reviewed at least annually and revised as necessary to reflect changes to the business activities and any changes to legislation. Any changes to the policy will be brought to the attention of all employees.

In September 2019 the category of Diversity Impact was introduced to the RAC Cooling Awards for the first time and we were recognised for our inclusive, respectful and empowering approach to recruitment and our current team members. We have developed a greater cultural awareness and understanding whilst introducing new roles and skills to our business.

Dean Frost
Managing Director
Clade Engineering Systems Ltd