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Climate change is without doubt the greatest threat to our planet, its peace and prosperity and the future health of the global population. It is the single greatest threat our modern world has faced in many decades. Clade Engineering has positioned itself along with like-minded businesses to meet the challenge of climate change head on; it is doing this by entering the race to decarbonise heating and cooling in the UK and beyond. By helping our customers to achieve their decarbonisation goals we aim to be a part of the journey which will lead to a reduction in the effects of climate change, which will invariably lead to a measurable, positive, societal impact.

Through its refrigeration and heating products using natural refrigerants Clade Engineering is ideally placed to support the transition to a green economy. It is our policy to conduct all operations in a climate change sensitive manner to reduce our carbon emissions, respect the environment and therefore improve the health and safety of our employees, customers and suppliers.

Read Our Latest Sustainability Report


Our aim is to achieve the highest standards in cutting our own carbon emissions whilst supporting our customers in their own ambitions to achieve net zero. With examples such as the use of solar to power our buildings, heat pumps to heat them and the use of electric vehicles to access them, we aim to become a net zero company. Switching to electricity generated through green methods and actively encouraging our colleagues to follow suit are again examples of our commitment to change. Ultimately, our aim is to do more than our part in achieving a carbon neutral world by 2050, as enshrined in the Paris agreement.

It is the Policy of Clade Engineering to:

  • Wherever practicable we will demonstrate leadership in reducing our carbon footprint
  • To prevent pollution, minimise waste & recycle, repurpose wherever practicable
  • To identify, eliminate or reduce, as far as practicable, any potentially adverse environmental impacts
  • To stringently follow our environmental management system ISO 14001: 2015

We recognise that climate change and the societal role of business are important factors that underpin our success and so we are committed to improving our Environmental and Social Corporate Governance.

The Managing Director, with full backing from the Executive Leadership, is personally responsible for the ESG strategy, implementation and results. Clade has made significant progress over time in both our products and our business and we will continue to make both incremental and step changes in performance.


Climate risk and the opportunity are at the heart of our business strategy which is clear in our strategic move in to the low carbon energy sector. Going above and beyond that we are investing in reducing our own carbon footprint with electric vehicles, heat pumps in our buildings and an active tree planting initiative.

Feedback from our customers, employees, suppliers and broader community is important in shaping our strategy, we welcome open dialogue and transparent reporting. Whilst we do not yet report under a formal framework such as TCFD we are aligning our disclosure in order to do so in the future. As part of this we shall be open and honest in communicating our strategies, targets, performance and governance in our continual commitment to sustainable development.

Risk Management

We shall ensure a high level of business performance while minimising and effectively managing risk ensuring that we uphold the values of honesty, partnership and fairness within our business.

Metrics and Targets

We are committed to making a measurable reduction in our carbon footprint. We are taking a multi-faceted approach to this including working with our property landlord to tree planting. Metrics and targets are currently in development and will be reported in the next business cycle.


We have made the following specific commitments to improving ESG performance and will report against them in line with our business results reporting.

Social Commitment

We shall encourage dialogue with local communities for mutual benefit.

We shall work with local schools, colleges and universities to assist young people in choosing their future careers, being an advocate for our industry.

We shall support and encourage our employees to help local community organisations and activities in our region, particularly employee chosen charities.

Our people

We shall support the development of our business through led training courses and using our facilities for all our business associates to hold seminars and industry meetings.

We operate an equal opportunities policy for all present and potential future employees and will offer our employees clear and fair terms of employment and provide resources to enable their continual development.

We shall maintain a clear and fair employee remuneration policy and shall maintain forums for employee consultation and business involvement
We provide safeguards to ensure that all employees of whatever nationality, colour, race or religious belief are treated with respect and without sexual, physical or mental harassment.

We provide, and strive to maintain, a clean, healthy and safe working environment in line with our Health and Safety policy and safe systems of work.

Business results

We recognise that there are opportunities as well as risks associated with ESG factors, we search out and act on viable opportunities. A clear example of this is our strategic move into low carbon heat where there is a ready market in which we have a high degree of alignment.

Our contracts will clearly set out the agreed terms, conditions and the basis of our relationship and will operate in a way that safeguards against unfair business practices.

Environmental sustainability

We shall encourage suppliers and contractors to adopt responsible business policies and practices.

Currently we are undergoing significant changes to our buildings and facilities once this is complete we will baseline carbon performance and set targets for improvement.

We have developed Environmental policies and objectives as part of the business planning cycle.

Clade Engineering’s carbon reduction commitment has a significant bearing on its approach to research and development. The business recognises that its R&D function underpins its ability to deliver the carbon conscious products and services to its customers. Environmental and sustainability considerations are foremost in any research and development project carried out by the Clade team.

Working closely with supply chain partners and customers alike, Clade Engineering’s R&D team has developed a range of low-cost natural refrigeration solutions using both CO2 and Hydrocarbon. The range being suitable for retail, commercial and industrial applications. The business recognises that its R&D solutions must be cost effective and return on investment periods must be attractive to customers in order to encourage the take up of green, carbon saving technology.