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R290 is the future of commercial heating

R290 heat pump

R290 is sweeping across Europe as a (relatively) new solution to the F-gas problem. This form of propane is a flexible and cost-effective refrigerant option that has a very low global warming potential (GWP).

At Clade, we have three R290 propane heat pump ranges that we believe are the future of commercial heating.

R290 heat pumps give businesses an even greater opportunity to cut down their carbon footprint because propane has a very low GWP. They also offer a long-lasting and futureproof green heating system, since R290 won’t be subject to regulatory restrictions.


R290 is already commonly used in refrigeration. Indeed, Clade has been manufacturing these for many years. Now, it’s being heralded as one of the most environmentally friendly solutions for commercial heat pumps.

This form of propane is a natural refrigerant with a low GWP of just three – or less depending on the time considered (head over to hydrocarbons21 to read the report).

This is in contrast to synthetic refrigerants that are used in heat pumps – such as HFOs (hydrofluoro-olefins) and HFCs (hydrofluorocarbons).

HFCs are currently being phased out because they have an impact on climate change that’s thousands of times bigger than the same amount of carbon dioxide.

Meanwhile, HFOs contain environmental toxins known as PFAS (Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances), which don’t break down naturally. They show up in many watercourses where they poison wildlife and in some areas, also endanger human life.

R290, on the other hand, is a non-F-Gas refrigerant that has a low GWP and doesn’t contain PFAS – making it vastly better for the environment.

High performance

Natural refrigerants aren’t just a great option for businesses that want to have a positive impact on the environment. Rather, any business that wants a high-performing heating system could benefit from an R290 heat pump.

R290 is a highly efficient refrigerant that can actually achieve higher coefficient of performance (COP) at low ambients and high flow temperatures than synthetic refrigerants. It can also produce high temperatures.

R290 heat pumps have a maximum realistic flow temperature of 65C, although they’re usually operated at 60C with a 40C return temperature. Some R290 heat pumps are advertised with flow temperatures of 70 or 75C. However, the efficiency drops considerably.

In this way, they provide a superb heat service for buildings with medium temperature requirements. And they’re ideal for many retrofit applications with little or no change to the heating systems.

Plus, like other natural refrigerants, R290 has no glide. This is a thermodynamic behaviour found in some synthetic refrigerants. While it can be useful in refrigeration, it’s a negative when it comes to heat production.

Ultimately, R290 is a more environmentally friendly and efficient alternative to synthetic refrigerants, making it a win for businesses as well as the environment.


Choosing an R290 heat pump can lead to significant savings for businesses.

Not only are these heat pumps cost-effective, but they can often be installed without making extensive and costly modifications to a building’s existing infrastructure.

In fact, this was one of the reasons our clients at a healthcare facility selected a propane heat pump. The new heat pump was able to integrate seamlessly with the building’s existing underfloor heating and outdated AHU, ensuring continuous operation. Read the case study to learn more.

The efficiency of R290 heat pumps can also lead to reduced energy bills.

In fact, businesses could even choose to lower their energy bills further by pairing their heat pump with an oversized  buffer tank or solar panels.

Powering a heat pump with solar panels will negate the need to buy energy from the grid. Meanwhile, an oversized buffer tank can allow businesses to take advantage of grid flexibility or cheap power tariffs.

Heat your business premises, not the earth

It’s pretty clear why we think that R290 heat pumps are the future of commercial heating.

They’re flexible, cost-effective, high-performing, futureproof, and environmentally friendly. What more could you ask for in a heating system?

At Clade, we only use natural refrigerants such as R290 and CO2 in our heat pumps, as they’re a win for businesses, the planet and everyone on it.

Want to find out more about switching your existing heating system to a natural refrigerant heat pump? Simply get in touch with us today.