Clade Publishes 2021 Sustainability Report
Over the next 5 years, the UK will see a dramatic increase in the drive to Net Zero in the built environment.
Both refrigeration and heating are vital services impacting food and national energy security as well as comfort and hygiene. The heat pump market in particular is expected to expand rapidly as we move to fulfil our national Net Zero pledge.
Clade has been at the forefront of the natural refrigerant transition for many years and remains committed to this. As a business, Clade is committed to its own Net Zero ambition and this sustainability report sets out our current position and future plans to achieve Net Zero.
As a growing business which is transitioning sectors, operating models and growing it is challenging to set meaningful metrics because the base line is not aligned with our future.
Therefore, this report should be read as the start point of a sustainability reporting journey which will expand
and improve over time.